"Despite the lies that you're making Your love is mine for the taking. Josh Konnely sits in complete darkness, where only the vague dark outline of his body reveals his presence. He speaks in a whisper that in the abolute silence of this place sounds like a yell.
"Despite the lies that you're telling, your LIFE is mine for the taking."
"Despite the lies that you're making Your love is mine for the taking.
"Many men try to call themselves a KING. Many men try to call themselves a LORD. They try to call themselves IMMORTAL."
"I will be the one that's gonna hold you I will be the one that you run to
A single candle flickers to life in front of the barely visible silhouette that is the National Champion.
"But immortality is only for those who burn with the Consuming Fire of the one true Lord and King. With Him, we can live forever in His hand. Without Him, we die by the same hand with which He gave us life."
"No, you'll never be alone
A hundred candles ignite around the dark form of the man, revealing Josh Konnely in full light and holding the National Championship over his shoulder.
"No, you'll never be alone When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark Whispers in the dark"
Josh speaks again, his voice now its normal soft and flat tone.
"Do you hear it? Do you hear His whispers in the dark? He has offered you life. His hand is extended, and all you've got to do is reach out and grab it."
"You feel so lonely and ragged You lay there broken and naked
"I will be the one that's gonna find you. I will be the one that's gonna guide you. My love is a burning, Consuming Fire.
Do you feel it? Have you ever felt the burning and consuming love of the Lord's everlasting fire?
People often fear change. They fear New Beginnings. People are afraid to begin a new journey in their lives because they are fearful that they will fall flat on their faces on that long, dark road.
But for those who have faith in the warmth and eternal light of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, there is no need to fear. Because He tells us that when the darkness comes, when we're feeling down and out, like we'll never be able to get back up He is there for us. He will take us by the hand and lift us back up onto our feet."
Josh turns his eyes from the flames upwards to a large brass cross hanging a few feet in front of him. He exhales deeply.
"He will speak to us in our darkest moments and give us power over the fear and evil surrounding us. We are given the choice. Do we hear His word and take his Hand, or do we turn away in our natural distrust and fear of the unknown?
This Sunday night at New Beginnings I defend the National Championship in a triple threat match. One of my two opponents, well, he is himself unknown. I have been told that he has been here long ago, and that he is great. I will only believe it once I see him in that ring. Until that time, he is just another mortal man.
A lesser man than I would dwell in fear at the prospect of having an unknown factor such as this in his match, especially challenging for his championship. As I just explained, however, there is no fear of the unknown when He stands by your side. When my God is for me, who can be against me? I walk by faith. Each step by faith. In the darkness, He will be my light. In the face of the unknown, He is my Savior. When I enter into the unknown at New Beginnings, He will be my strength.
This man whom has joined T.K. Money in challenging me for my United States Championship apparently has no name. He is a mystery in every sense of the word. But I will continue to stand tall, as I always have. I will not falter. I will not fail. I will not be afraid. I see that he is an avid fan of poker. One name from history has been on the lips of many recently, and would seem to fit this theme.
Who could this man be that has managed to squeeze himself onto the New Beginnings card- and into not one but two major championship matches- at the eleventh hour? How great must a man be to land himself such an opportunity on about Tuesday, like this guy did? And how fair is that to me as champion that I don't learn of this change until Wednesday?
No matter. As I said, I have the strength and the Consuming Fire of the Lord my God. The only thing that troubles me is that I cannot come up with the name of this mystery man. I've heard people talk about him. I've even watched on television as he wrestled in the golden days of SFW. Yet the name of the man escapes me. Was it Ace? Or maybe Deuce? Blackjack Mulligan? No, I know that wasn't it. Oh well, I guess it's just not in the cards for me.
So how about this other guy? T.K. Money. At last, a familiar face. What luck was it that this Tommy guy could get a second chance at me even after being decimated by The Standard last week? T.K., you HAD your opportunity. I GAVE you the best chance at taking this title from me that you WILL EVER have in your LIFE. Shit, man. All you had to do was show up, and the title was yours. I let the title slip from my grasp, and still you refused to take it.
How much did this second chance title shot cost you, Tommy? Someone had to have been bought off, considering we had a draw last time we met, and you haven't won a match since. Did you pay Hey-Zeus? Or maybe your crippled buddy Shadow? Assuming he survived that hit-and-run last month, that is. What's up with that, anyway? Strike Towers has continued on without a word as if it never happened. It's another mystery, I suppose.
I hear you talking a big game, but you may as well be Charlie Brown's home room teacher. Why? Because all I hear is 'waah, wahh, waah, wa-wa-wahh whomp.' It means nothing at all. You say I will be a one hit wonder, but I'm already a two-time World AND National Champion. I have done more in my two years with this company than you have done in your ENTIRE CAREER. So all that talking you did, it means NOTHING AT ALL. I am GOD'S chosen warrior. I am GOD'S chosen CHAMPION. On your best day, you are a mediocre wrestler who hides behinds the brick-brained blocks of The Wall. On your worst day? Well, on your worst day you're a piece of CRAP which I gladly will FLUSH AWAY at New Beginnings."
Konnely slowly lowers his head and inhales deeply. Pursing his lips, he lets the breath out slowly.
"And by the way, Tommy, I never asked if you have played poker. That must have been our unnamed mystery man. I would never ask such a thing of you, because honestly I couldn't give two shits about anything you do; which is just how ninety percent of the Strike Towers fanbase probably feels about you."
Again Josh falls silent for a moment.
"No, you'll never be alone When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Feeling comforted, he smiles.
"So how about this mystery man? It seems he can get a little lucky at a game he's 'never played.' Lucky enough to catch a royal flush against four aces. But luck is a fickle lady. She will grab the hand of whomever stumbles upon her, then move onto the next guy. Eli Manning got lucky in Super Bowl XLII and was rewarded with a Super Bowl MVP award. He has never come close again, showing the world that he and the Giants were simply a fluke, rather than a true champion.
Luck was not on your side, mystery man, when Strike Towers chose to stick you into my business. Luck was not on your side at all, because my business is HURTING PEOPLE. I am he who rides on the back of the red horse, who emerges when the second seal is broken. I am the second horseman. I am War.
Unlike the fleeting lady luck, my God stands by my side at all times. The empowering feeling of faith is omnipotent, whereas luck comes and goes from one person to the next. I have no need for lady luck when the Father is always here with me.
Take my advice, mystery man. I heard something about you seeking happiness? There is only one guaranteed path to eternal happiness. It cannot be found with open eyes alone. Open your ears, and open your heart. That is the way that will bring you onto that path. Open your ears to hear His Whispers In The Dark. Open your heart to feel His burning, Consuming Fire.
Poker Man, I must admit that I was none too happy to have you added to this match, especially not at such a late hour. You've done nothing to earn it, and I have felt as though I am being cheated. Got an ace up your sleeve, do ya'? I'll bet you do. You've got an ace up your sleeve, and a golden horseshoe up your butt.
Still, I welcome the challenge. It will be fun to take down the 'great' and 'legendary' 'Wild Card.' If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man. You win some, lose some, it's all the same to me. The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say. I don't share your greed, the only card I need is
the ace of spades.
Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil. Going with the flow, it's all a game to me.
But Mister Poker Guy, this is a game that you will NOT win. You've been dealt the Death Card, and your game ENDS at New Beginnings. You think you're going to come back and jump into the Body Count Rumble, and walk out World Heavyweight Champion? In the words of Judas Priest, you've got another thing coming, because if I have my way you will not MAKE it to the Body Count match. I will be racking up MY OWN personal BODY COUNT early when I defend this National Championship. You and T.K. Money won't be walking out of my ring. You will perish on my battlefield.
Josh's voice returns to a whisper.
"When darkness comes, you know I'm never far. Hear the whispers in the dark."
The candles go out just as suddenly as they lit, plunging the room back into impenetrable darkness. "Whispers In The Dark" by Skillet begins to play over the darkness again, and the scene fades to RED.
Despite the lies that you're making
Despite the lies that you're making
I will be the one that's gonna hold you
No, you'll never be alone
You feel so lonely and ragged
I will be the one that's gonna find you
No, you'll never be alone
No, you'll never be alone