Josh Konnely is down on one knee alongside the base of the famous statue of Jesus Christ in Rio De Janeiro. Out over the city, the sun is setting on the Brazilian summer day. He smiles ruefully as he looks out at the beauty of the city and its shores.
"Halloween weekend vacation to Brazil, and we'll be stuck in a hot, stuffy arena doing a crappy wrestling show."
Josh checks the watch on his wrist, squinting againt the glare of the setting sun.
"Still, it's an intriguing matchup I face this week. Once again I cross The Wall, taking on one of its darkest entities. The man- or half-man, as the case may be- known as Twilight. Revelation takes on The Wall yet again. It's interesting to me that T.K. Money claims that we 'sucked ass'- and get our name wrong at that. Last time The Wall and Blood Money met Revelation in the ring, The Wall crumbled at the hands of War and Famine: myself and Kyle Murphy. We dominated and destroyed The Wall's 'illustrious' tag team.
But what makes this week's pay-per-view title match between Twilight and I is that we are such opposites. He is a man that has a life he never wanted. I am a man that has always wanted a life I'll never have. I desire a life of contentness, confidence, comfort, and pride. I want those things to be well deserved. Instead, the bitterness and hateful anger of my past grip my heart for eternity. They refuse to let me go. They refuse to let me be happy.
And so I seek to destroy the happiness of the world around me, just as the world around me destroyed my happiness. I was just an adolescent when everything that I had ever loved was taken from me. Taken by disease and selfishness. At just thirteen my remaining family left the only home I had ever known and moved to the capital of corruption and greed called Connecticut. I'll never forget the girl I left behind me, for whom I still harbor unspoken powerful feelings of love and adoration.
Twilight has taken us all many times to his fantasy world of Jeville, a living Hell yet somehow unalive. The city is alive, but lifeless. What is it like in your Hell, Twilight? Are there dark clouds? An eternally misty fog that refuses to let its trapped souls rest or escape?"
Suddenly Josh Konnely is in a different place, one which appears to be CGI rendered. The sky is gray. Even the grass is gray. Leaves scatter the ground in a classic autumn scene, all in various shades of gray.
"Is this what your Hell is like, Twilight? Is this Jeville, or something like it? Does Jeville exist in grayscale, utterly lacking the hope and liveliness of color?"
White rain begins to fall from the gray sky, more heard than seen.
"I can imagine the agony of enduring this for just an hour or two. I cannot imagine dwelling in it for all time. How can you not delight in your ability to blink in and out of that nightmare to join our 'real,' 'living' world? Learn to see the silver lining in your gray world, ageless one. Your Hell is Jeville. On the road with Strike Towers, you walk out of your Hell and into the 'Hallowed Hell' of the SFT ring.
Why is that a bright side? For Kyle Johnson and so many like me, the very world in which we are born and live IS our Hell. That Hell is what gives birth to Josh Konnely: the black and white of our Earth combining to paint my heart, mind, and soul a lifeless gray. The world is my Jeville. This body is my Jeville. But unlike you, Twilight, there is no leaving or escaping this Hell. Not even for an hour. Not even for a minute. Life hammers on and on, and I must take it in stride.
Some people in our world- many, in fact- turn to alcohol and/or drugs for a temporary escape. I do not believe that to be an option. To do so is the ultimate weakness, giving yourself over to an altered reality, caving into the pain and the pressure that you feel. It is mindless. It is spineless. I refuse to put my faith and hope in such poison and filth. Those who do are weak fools.
Just as you slept, Twilight, I too can sleep. It is my one and only escape and respite from the Hell that is life on Earth. For those hours when I slumber, nearly comatose, the world melts away. All its pains and pressures fade into nothing. It all fades into black.
The grayness that grips my heart and soul makes me the perfect candidate, though, to ride the Red Horse of War. My anguish and sorrow make me an unfeeling warrior and destroyer. Only with the Lord our God can I know happiness. As a part of His Revelation, as a bringer of His Apocalypse, I get to hasten the day. I get to destroy the miserable, eternally suffering humans that have damned me into their misery. With the cold gray heart of the cobra, I may sink my fangs into the flesh of anyone and everyone without remorse or mercy. The venom of my rage will cleanse this Earth.
Twilight, your word of the day was orange. My word of the day could very well be gray, but it's not. My word of the day is RED. Red is the hateful fury in my eyes. Red is the Consuming Fire of my God and King. Red is the blood which will gush forth from your empty cranium.
Red is the color of anger, wrath, fury, passion, and lust. Red is the color of desire. Red is the color of WAR.
Twilight, your world in Jeville is gray and lonely. There is no red of desire or passion in your eyes. There is none in your soul. Tomorrow I will paint it red with rage and blood. You have left one Hell in Jeville, only to enter MY Hell tomorrow night at October Pain. It is the Hallowed Hell of life on Earth. Welcome to my Hell.
Your Hell is gray. My Hell is red. This Halloween you step out of the gray and into the red. Are you strong enough to survive MY Hell? Are you strong enough to endure the battlefield of my final War?
You have made it clear, Twilight, that you do not like me. That is just fine with me. The feeling is mutual. I don't like you. I don't like Blood Money. I don't like The Wall. I don't like THE WORLD. You called me a douche? Well, at the risk of sounding like a seven year old brat: it takes one to know one, doesn't it?"
The CGI world very slowly begins to fade back into the real original scene in Rio De Janeiro.
"Take comfort, Twilight. I will wake you from your dream. I will rescue you from the Hell of Jeville. Your sleep there will end, and you will be awakened to the misery that is the real world. How fitting is it that this should come to pass at a show called October Pain: Hallowed Hell? I will take the dark Hell of your home in Jeville and bring it crashing down to the realities of the human world. You will feel the sorrow of your mortality for the first time when I sink in my fangs and you struggle desperately to breath. Just as you have sought in vain to escape Jeville forever, you will struggle in vain to escape my lethal clutches. At long last, just as you feel yourself about to pass out, you will raise your hand and pound the canvas in submission.
Twilight, you want MY National Championship? You will have to LITERALLY walk through HELL to get it. Come and step into my Hell. A War awaits you here, and you will not survive."
At long last the scene is back one hundred percent to the beauty and majesty of Rio De Janeiro, with Josh Konnely kneeling at the feet of the Christ The Redeemer statue. The sun has set now, and the lights of the city below are aglow in the blackness of night. The scene fades into nothing.