Healthy Rivalry

08 November 09 - 0225

The sounds of two powerful engines revving hard can be heard in the darkness of a New England November night. Two sets of headlights snap on, and a man's voice is heard.

"You sure about this, old man? I told you I'm better than you at everything, and in every way."

"You're nuts, kid. I'm the very best at EVERYTHING I do!"

The two vehicles- a hunter green 2009 Dodge Challenger and a gold 1970 Plymouth Barracuda- tear off down the dark desolate Connecticut road in a high speed race. They continue to race side-by-side up the four lane Route 34 from New Haven to Derby. During the stretch they alternate advantages, one pulling in front of the other, then falling back as the other charges back by them.

As they approach the Derby town line, the 'Cuda pulls in front and speeds past the sign that marks the city line and finish line. The Plymouth turns off into the parking lot of Apollo Pizza, and the Dodge follows in behind. Kyle Murphy steps out of the Barracuda, and Josh Konnely gets out of the Challenger. Josh shakes his head, acknowledging his defeat.

"Alright, you win. I guess experience does rule this day."

"Nah, I'm just better than you."

"We'll just have to see about that."

08 November 09 - 1849

An independent wrestling show is taking place at the Mid-Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie, New York. Josh Konnely is in the ring with the company's top title contender. The heel champion is in Josh's corner, holding the belt over his shoulder. The bell rings to open the contest, and Josh slaps the "local wrestler" across the face. The other man responds with a forearm to Konnely's jaw, but Josh comes back with a kick to the gut.

Josh uppercuts the young man, who is about the same height and actually a little bit lighter than the 200 pound Konnely. Josh whips his young opponent to the ropes, but the twenty year old comes off with a leaping leg lariat. He goes to the corner and waits for Josh to get to his knees, at which point he delivers a shining wizard. The young man covers, but Josh kicks out before the two count.

Konnely leaps up to his feet and clotheslines the younger and smaller fighter. The kid gets up and runs at Josh, catching him by surprise with a flying head scissors. Konnely is right back up, but walks right into a hurricanrana. The young man follows this up with a quick leg drop, then goes to the corner and heads to the top rope. He leaps off as Josh gets to his feet, but Konnely jumps up and catches him with a front dropkick that drives both feet into the boyish wrestler's gut.

Josh is up quickly as the kid kneels on the mat, holding his midsection. Konnely slaps on a double underhook and pulls the young man to his feet. He pauses only a moment to nod to the booing crowd, and then snaps off a DDT. As Josh stands and signals for the end, the champion drops his title at ringside and slides into the ring. He mounts the young babyface, holding the back of his head and raining down punches. The referee calls for the bell, ending the match in a disqualification.

"What the Hell?!"

Josh runs to the ropes, and hits a shining Yakuza kick on the champion, which lays him out right next to his rival challenger. "Enter Sandman" by Metallica hits the loudspeakers, and Kyle Murphy walks out from the back. He runs down the ramp, and slides into the ring, coming face to face with Josh Konnely. Murphy smirks, then turns and grabs Josh's match opponent. He hits a Manhattan Project, then turns and walks out of the ring.

Josh grins and mouths the words "oh yeah?" He pulls the young babyface up to his knees and reapplies the double underhook. Konnely lifts the dead weight of the motionless man, bringing him back to his feet for a moment only to fall back with another DDT.

"I win this one, 'legend.'"

09 November 09 - 1616

Josh Konnely is seen in his locker room prior to Strike Towers Wrestling. He is lacing up his boots as he prepares for his World Heavyweight Championship match against Lucretia Black. He speaks without looking up.

"I have always been known as a man of few words. A man who did his talking- quite literally- in the ring, through action rather than speaking.

I have also been known as a person who took pride in morality and truth, not in championships and glory.

Neither of those things will change tonight. Lucretia Black tapped out to me two weeks at Hallowed Grounds, but still went on to win the World Heavyweight Championship. It was only right that I would receive this rematch of sorts. I earned the respect and the title, but received neither that night.

Tonight is my reparation. Tonight I will get back what could already be mine."

Josh stands upright and finally looks to the camera.

"Lucretia Black, I have been called The Butcher of Bridgeport. But after seeing the butchering job that The Beast Dameon and his dog girlfriend Riley Darkbush there put on you last week, I'd say my work is done in that regard.

But that's enough of the juvenile, cornball stand-up comedy. Lucretia, you and I are alike in some ways. The major difference is that you embrace a life of vices and criminality, and your malevolence serves only to feed your addictions.

On the other hand, I condemn the lifestyles of you and Nirvana as a disgusting cry for attention. A psychological need to be noticed, but also an attempt to bury the troubles of life under those vices. The drugging, the crimes, the sadism and the cannibalism displayed by the two of you in your dark past was merely the result of two people seeking to comfort themselves with substances and flesh, two people seeking to hide from the pain inside themselves.

I cannot blame you or him for this... oversight... of morality. It is human nature. TRUE human nature. Not necessarily the torturing, killing, and eating of your fellow man. But rather the weakness of character, the inability to handle life's unpleasant reality without the comfort of deviant vices. The majority of the entire world population suffers such weakness. It is the nature of human life."

The locker room door suddenly opens, and Kyle Murphy enters the picture.

"Hey, BUDDY. Mind if I cut in?"

"Yeah, actually I do. I've got a World Heavyweight Championship match tonight. What the Hell's so important that you have to stick your nose in here? Your meaningless little random tag match?"

"I don't think your old buddy Dameon finds it so meaningless. We all want what you have tonight, Josh. Everyone in this locker room wants that World Heavyweight Championship match."


"SO? 'So' is that each time any of us steps into that ring out there, we have the opportunity and the need to make ourselves noticed. Those with true desire see every night as an opportunity to put ourselves in the SFT Championship picture. And not just because we happened to be in the right place at the right time, like you."

"Hey, reality check- what's that word you like to use, 'slapass'?- nobody is going to be impressed by you and Dameon beating Blood Money. Those two jokes don't belong in the same ring as two multiple time SFT Champions the likes of The Beast and your geriatric Hall of Fame ass."

"Well, I would tend to agree with you, and I hope you do win that championship tonight. But Dameon and I will DESTROY Blood Money tonight. I suggest you watch that match and take notice. Because after we're done with Twilight and T.K. Money, we'll be coming after that World Heavyweight Championship, and we'll do the same thing to YOU."

"GEE, thanks. With friends like you I sure don't need any enemies. I appreciate the sentiment, but I will win tonight with or without your well wishes. And don't go thinking your hollow words are going to intimidate me. Do you really expect me to believe that you and Dameon are going to pose some sort of united front? PLEASE. I don't buy that for a minute, and I think Blood Money knows you two won't be united tonight either. Dameon doesn't like you any more than I do. Jokes or not, I think they will beat you two and put your precious egos in check."

"Ha... ha... ha. We'll just see about that, won't we? Like the 'defending division champion' Dolphins with the team they finished tied with last season? Or like the undefeated Colts will do to the Patriots next week? Not going to happen. Here's your reality check: once superior, ALWAYS superior. The best are always the best. I am always the best. And, well, The Beast is always The Beast. Blood Money doesn't have a PRAYER tonight. Their Blood will be shed, because The Standard and The Beast are the REAL Money."

"Oh, yeah, okay. Good luck with that."

"No need for luck when you're this good."

"Thanks, I know I'm that damn good. I just prefer modesty."

"Oh, haha. When did you become the funny guy?"

"Sorry, didn't realize I was joking."

"Alright, well, it's been fun by I need to go get dressed myself. Excuse me, I have a match to go win."

"Sure, have fun, old man. Don't cry when you lose."

Murphy turns and opens the door.

"That won't be necessary."

"Okay. I hope I didn't just break the Law, ya' overgrown leprechaun."

Kyle just scoffs as he leaves Josh alone once again.

"Of course, I'll break Black's Law tonight without a second thought, so why not go all out?"

Fade to darkness.