The Last Supper

Josh Konnely sits in a dark room, alone at a long table. The table is covered with a pure white tablecloth. Josh is at the seated at the center of the table, surrounded by half a dozen empty chairs on each side of him. A loaf of bread sits on a silver platter, a gold chalice standing beside it.

"The Body of Christ."

Josh breaks off a small piece of the bread as he says the words. He then lifts the chalice in his left hand.

"The Blood of Christ."

Konnely dips the bread in the chalice of wine, and stuffs the piece of bread in his mouth. He does not chew, instead allowing the wine-soaked bread to dissolve in his mouth.

"On Holy Thursday, Christians recall the Passover meal that marked the Last Supper of our Messiah. Jesus Christ knew that the meal would be his last on this Earth. He bore his cross with silent dignity. He prayed that the cup would pass from him, but accepted his Father's will. By His arrest and crucifixion, the souls of men would be saved forever for all that believed in Him.

'Extreme' Damien Vega and 'Kaos' Brandon Davis, tonight I pray that you enjoy your own last suppers. Tomorrow night I come to claim your morbid and lost souls for the judgment which is due to the two of you and all of Exile."

The Crucifixion

Josh places the chalice back on the table, and reaches somewhere under the table, producing a Bible in hand and a long rusty nail in the other. Konnely puts the Bible on the table with the nail on top of it.

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Josh hangs his head in a moment of silent reflection.

"I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.

On the night Christ was crucified, two criminals were nailed to crosses on either side of him. One questioned why Jesus had not and would not let himself down from the cross when he had the power to do so. The other rebuked the man for mocking Jesus, and asked Christ to remember him when He came to his kingdom. He and the other criminal were condemned justly, he said, and deserved their fate; but Jesus had 'done nothing criminal.' Jesus replied to second criminal, assuring that the believer would join Him in His kingdom.

Are you ready to face the punishment for your own crimes, young Serial Thrillaz?"

Konnely falls silent once again.

"Woman, behold your son.

Son, behold your mother."

After another pause, Josh continues.

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

Josh dips a sponge in the chalice of wine.

"I thirst.

As he was dying on the cross, Christ thirsted for drink. But he also may have thirsted for the closeness of his Father, for the love of the God and the Earth that had suddenly abandoned him to die."

Josh symbolically places the sponge to his lips and bites down, enacting the final drink of the Messiah.

"Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.

In the final moments of his life, Christ gave himself over to his God. To this day, clergy will commend the spirit of the deceased over to the Father at a funeral, turning child over to Father."

Josh places his hands on the nail and on the Bible.

"It is finished."

Konnely bows his head to mark the death of the Christ.

"The death of Jesus Christ is not to be taken in sorrow. It is through his death that the resurrection can occur, and death's head is struck down. The Passion of the Christ gives hope to the faithful. We live and we err, but death gives way to eternal life in Christ."

Josh lifts his head as he speaks again, addressing Damien and Brandon again.

"Serial Thrillaz, the battle you sought is only just begun. Though I detest the greed and pride of Kyle Murphy, it has become a necessary evil that I stand with him against the two of you. At the behest of your demented leader Dameon, you attacked Reno Destiny and myself after our match. Like buzzards you prayed on the opportunity to take us out when we were at our weakest. As Kyle Murphy stated, Exile assaulted each of us in separate incidents at Destination Madness.

You have begun a war.

What will become of you when it is finished?"

The Resurrection

Josh Konnely pushes his chair back from the table and stands up.

"On Easter Sunday, the crucified Christ rose from the tomb after three days in Hell.

At Destination Madness, Exile effectively left myself and Kyle Murphy for dead. Their mistake was in not finishing the job. The Serial Thrillaz wanted a piece of us, and now they have it. Be careful what you wish for, young ones. You just might get it.

I will echo the sentiment of my erstwhile partner Kyle Murphy. Serial Thrillaz and the rest of Exile have declared war on Strike Towers. They have made themselves an enemy to all outside of their own island. I will join Kyle Murphy, and with our seven combined SFT World Championships we shall bring Hell to the island of the Exiled. We did not begin this war, or even ask for it, but we have the strength and ability to end it.

Serial Thrillaz, by making an enemy of The Butcher of Bridgeport, the Park City Punisher and the Konnecticut Krippler you have sealed your own fate. You have sealed your own Final Extinction. The end will come when I have choked the life out of you and left your broken bodies in a heap.

Once I have crucified the Serial Thrillaz, you will not rise again."

Fade to white.