There's No Place Like Home

When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.

Josh Konnely and the Tin Man are found outside the stronghold of the Wicked Bitch of the East. The guards are chanting as they march into the keep two by two. With one mighty swing of the Wicked Bitch of the West's massive sword, Konnely cuts down the two guards at the back of the formation. They drop to the ground in a heap without making a sound, dead before they hit the ground. Josh and the Tin Man quickly undress the blue bodies and disguise themselves as castle guards, sprinting to get through the huge iron double door just before it slams shut. Konnely smiles as he sees Dodo running up the stairs, having beaten even the guards inside.

"Good boy, Dodo. Let's go, Tinny."

Josh Konnely leads the Tin Man up the stairs. They find a towering arch door which nearly reaches the roof. The Tin Man takes up his axe and smiles.

"Looks like this is a job for the lumberjack."

The Tin Man slams the axe into the thick oak of the door. As he pulls it out and readies for a second swing, a half dozen of the blue-skinned guards spot them and quickly realize that they don't belong.

"Halt! Who goes there?! How did you get those guard uniforms?"

"Sorry, Metalhead, looks like I'm taking over from here."

With a powerful two-handed thrust, Konnely stabs the sword clear through the door. The magic of the sword soon causes the door to implode, sending shards and splinters of wood flying everywhere. Inside, the Wicked Bitch of the East growls in fury at the intrusion.

"Am I interrupting something, Wicked Bitch?"

The head of the guard salutes the Wicked Bitch, and the others follow.

"Shall we dispose of these intruders for you, sir?"

"No. I have something special in store for these two." replies the shrill voice of the Wicked Bitch. "This one killed my brother and took his sword. He too must suffer, until he gives the sword over to me willingly. SEND IN THE FLYING APES!"

A horde of blue, winged chimpanzees flies in the window. They are not to be confused with flying monkeys, as they have no tails. They land surrounding Josh Konnely and the Tin Man, along with the guards.

"Unless, of course, he realizes that he cannot defeat me. What do you say, Konnely? Turn the sword over to me, and I will spare you and your friend. Then, if you should chose to join me, you and I can rule Deadwood together."

"Not going to happen, ugly. Unless you would care to trade me your push broom."

"NO DEAL! You just made the wrong decision, fool!"

"I knew it wouldn't be that easy. I imagine you've spent many a lonely, disgusting night with that broom stuck in a very special place. You sick FFFFFFFFFFFFFREAK!"

"How DARE you?! Petulant child! I will strike you down myself!"

The Wicked Bitch raises his hand to strike Konnely. Before he can, Josh tilts his head back and spits right in the face of the Wicked Bitch. A thin wisp of smoke pours from the spittle as it bubbles on the Wicked Bitch's nose.

"NoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeelttttttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg!" cries the Wicked Bitch.

The wicked Bitch runs off down the hall and disappears around a corner. The guards drop their spears and kneel at Josh Konnely's feet. The flying apes fall to their knees and begin to bow to Josh.

"Thank you, brave and mighty one." says the captain of the guard. "You have freed us from the cruel tyranny of the Wicked Bitch. If you wish to stay, we will serve you forever. Otherwise, you can have anything you wish as a reward."

"I require only the push broom of the Wicked Bitch of the East. With it, the Sorcerer of Deadwood will send me home."

"Please, take it. The guards of the Keep and the flying apes will always remember what you have done for us this day."

The Tin Man retrieves the Wicked Bitch's broom on Konnely's behalf, and the two of them turn and leave the castle. As they walk away from the keep, Josh thrusts the sword over his head. Instantly, a large explosion rocks the castle. Hundreds of guards and flying apes come rushing out of the castle, clueless as to what horror has occurred. The Wicked Bitch's castle continues to implode from within, until only shattered walls and bricks remain, along with a single guard tower.

"What was that for? The Wicked Bitch already made it out before we left, I am sure of it."

"I understand that. But that display of my power will assure that neither the Wicked Bitch or any of her legions will pursue me ever again. They will learn not to cross Konnely. They will learn to fear the name of Konnely."

The scene fades to black.

Later, Josh Konnely and the Tin Man arrive triumphantly at the chamber of the Sorcerer of Deadwood. Dodo jumps into Josh's arms as the thundering voice of the unseen Sorcer echoes throughout the room once again.


"I do, powerful Sorcerer of Deadwood. Now send me home, or you can join the Wicked Bitch."


The Tin Man takes the push broom from Josh Konnely, who has his hands full with the sword and the Scottie. He waddles up to the altar and kneels before it, placing the push broom on the golden slab.


"He is gone, and he will never darken the Land of Deadwood again." Josh vows in absolute honesty.


"That wasn't the deal, you coward! Show yourself, and give us what we have promised!"

Dodo jumps from Josh's arms and clamps his teeth around a curtain to the left of the altar. Konnely scowls as he sees a man pulling levers and pressing buttons.

"YOU! You're just a man! You have no power, do you? I will destroy you for this!"


"WHO ARE YOU?!" Josh bellows in rage.


The man looks over his shoulder and sees both Josh and the Tin Man staring at him. He continues speaking, no longer bothering with the devices.

"Sorcerer... of Deadwood."

"So are you going to send me back to Connecticut, or will I have to kill you here?"

"You're a Nutmegger? I am a Connecticut man myself. Graduated UConn, Class of '53. I was a professor at the University of Hartford, until one day the single engine jet plane I was flying got caught in a storm. I got lost and eventually ran out of fuel, landing here in Deadwood. The Minis and all the rest thought me a great sorcerer because of my flying machine, and I just didn't have the heart to shatter their hopes and dreams. I became the Sorcerer for them.

Sadly, I am afraid I cannot help you get home. I have tried several times to leave, but nothing seems to work. Deadwood has no jet fuel, so I cannot fly out the same way I came. Everything else has failed.

Tin Man, I know you came in search of a heart. But your kindness, courage, and good-guyness have shown that you have always had heart. Here, take this trinket so that you never forget."

The Sorcerer hands the Tin Man a gold locket in the shape of a heart, on a gold chain. The Tin Man hangs it around his neck and smiles.

Suddenly, two guards in brass armor burst through the double doors into the psuedo-Sorcerer's chamber.

"Sir, Sir! You must come quick! The Boardwalk Empire is attacking the Golden City! They're already at the gates! We can't hold them much longer!"

Josh Konnely grins at the announcement.

"He came to comfort the conflicted and to conflict the comfortable" he says to himself.

"What was that?

"Oh, nothing. Go hope your people, oh mighty Sorcerer."

The Sorcerer nods and leaves with the guards, quite possibly never to return.

"Great, so all this, you've got your heart, and I've still got no way home."

As he finishes saying this, the glowing orb appears again. Blinda touches down in front of Konnely and becomes visible.

"That's not true, Josh. You have had the power to go home all along. What you needed was the strength to do it."

"What do you mean? Isn't that a contradiction?"

"No, Josh. You needed strength because the sword is the key that will bring you home. In order for you to return to Connecticut, you must drive the sword through your own body."

"Hara-kiri, is it? Very well. Many times I've felt that I'd rather impale myself than be in Connecticut anyway. Gotta love the irony in that."

Josh raises the sword. The Tin Man begins to cry.

"I'm going to miss you, Josh. You freed me from my rusted state, and you freed Deadwood from the Wicked Bitches. You are a hero to millions."

Josh grins coldly.

"Don't cry, Tin Man. You'll rust yourself again."

Suddenly, Josh drives the sword through the Tin Man's hollow metal chest and out the other side. The Tin Man yelps in bewilderment and pain as he falls to his knees.

"Now I know... I have a heart... cause... it's breaking." The Tin Man cries before dropping to the floor, lifeless.

Smiling wickedly, Josh turns the sword on himself and drives it into his gut. Right at the second that steel meets flesh, the scene glows bright white, completely obliterating all view.


The scene reopens inside Josh Konnely's RV. Lars Adams is seen driving.

"Lars... where are we?"

"Oh, good. You're finally awake. We're on I95 in Virginia, en route to North Cack-a-Lackey. Strike Towers Wrestling is in Greensboro tomorrow night. You've been asleep since the moment we hit the New Jersey line."

"Yeah. New Jersey has that effect on me."

"Did you sleep well, at least?"

"I did, but I had a really weird dream. I was in this place like Oz, but it was called... Deadwood. It's already beginning to fade. I think Big T was the Wicked Bitch of the East... like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard Of Oz... and his brother was the Wicked Bitch of the West."

"Wasn't it the Wicked Witch of the East that the house landed on in the movie? The Wicked Witch of the West was the one that went after Dorothy."

"Well, Big T's from Massachusetts. EAST WAREHAM, to be exact. So I guess it only fit that way in my mind. God, I've lost it. I can't remember anything else about it. Except... there was this weird Scottish Terrier. I called him Dodo. I have no idea how he got there. I've never seen that dog before in my life."

"Forget it, man. You've got a championship to go win."

"Yeah. What's new with Big Toto?"

"Apparently he thinks you're racist? I don't know. Last time I checked, he's white, too. And you're even whiter. No offense."

"None taken. I'm not white, I'm white trash. Society just hasn't learned to recognize the difference."

"Okay. If you say so."

"Big T... Big T needs to learn to fear the fangs of the Connecticut Cobra. The Park City Punisher. Beasts Of The East tour? I am the only true beast of the east. I will rain down pain and suffering on all in my path.

So Big Toto has been barking some more, has he? Still thinks he's better than the two-time SFT World Heavyweight Champion, no doubt? He's in for a rude awakening. I dreamed I was in Oz, but I am awake now. Big T has been dreaming that he's the best. Tomorrow I will wake him up when I choke him out.

You think this is your world? Strike Towers. Tomorrow night your world comes crashing down, and Revelation will reign at last. Truly the GAMES are OVER. I am the one who will end them."

The scene fades to RED.