![]() No Moral Value
I've been defeated and brought down
On this day I see clearly everything has come to life
I'll never long for what might have been
On this day I see clearly everything has come to life
On this day it's so real to me
Fear will kill me, all I could be
On this day I see clearly everything has come to life
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
A pulpit stands inside a derelict building. A small three kilowatt generator is running three tube lights strung up on the wall behind the altar. The former sanctuary is in shambles as the result of years or decades, if not centuries, of abandonment. The outside appearance of this building is no more aesthetically appealing than the interior. This was no great cathedral, but rather a humble meeting place for a Protestant peoples who believed in modest means of worship, as did the Puritans of the United States.
For whatever reason this place now stands empty. To the outside world it may have the appearance of an abandoned strip mall or general store. Its brown bricks are cracked and broken. The windows of plain, simple glass are either boarded up or broken. The double doors at the front of the building are barely standing, half open, as they hang on a single rusted hinge on either side. No man has passed through these doors in many years. A rusted chain and lock secure the rotted wood shut.
At the back of the building, to the right of the pulpit, a single dry-rotted door in similar condition swings around in the light summer breeze. The sun shines in on the dusty and rotted pews where only cobwebs now sit. Josh Konnely enters through this door, carrying two books in his right hand. He is dressed in a red suit jacket; his shirt, pants, and shoes are all black. Hung around his shoulders is a red scarf.
Konnely walks up the mangled marble steps of the altar and he steps up to the pulpit.
"In the earliest days of this place, those who had met here were very likely known as 'criminals.' Those who had been cast off from England and its colonies, dubbed as 'troublemakers' because they deviated from the social norms of their time. While history defines them as criminals, these people were more likely those who dissented against the political and religious standards set down upon them by the King of England and/or by the Church of England." Josh states in a hushed and flat voice.
"In the modern-day United States, the colony of Georgia was peopled in similar fashion to the 'penal colony' associated with Australia. Those were people exhiled from the English-ruled lands of Europe. It was said that these banishment colonies- for lack of a better term- both in Georgia and Australia, were settled and inhabited by criminals. While this was true in the context of the British colonies at the time, the question bears asking: what did these people due to be cast out and banished to such far away lands?
Were they murderers, and rapists, and thieves? Were they vilified for violent or despicable acts? It is certainly possible that there were a few instances along these lines; but the greater likelihood, as I alluded to, is that the majority of those sent out from England and its colonies were those who verbally or physically opposed either the crown of England, the Church of England, or both. Among these would have been people from Scotland and Ireland, and from the English-held lands of the New World.
These would be educated men and women whose only crime was the failure to comply with the standards and practices laid down by the powers who ruled over them. People who spoke or acted in a way that opposed the social norms of the time period were believed to be under the influence of demons, they were labelled wicked and unclean. Surely a man who claimed that the Church of England was too much like the Catholic Church in its practices was being controlled by the devil and needed to be removed from the good, clean people of Europe.
Their crime was dissension, and they were banished from society because they would not bend to a system they held as corrupt.
My people, I know you are asking yourselves: 'Where is he going with this?' Allow me now to answer that question for you at this time. Without attempting to point fingers at who was right and who was wrong, we all are faced daily with the judgment of our fellow man. That is to say that whenever we come across another person, no matter how brief and fleeting the moment, they are judging us- and we are judging them. We've all stood for thirty seconds or even a minute in front of a bank teller or fast food cashier without them saying a word to us, and we've all found ourselves wondering why this person was so lazy.
From these miniscule daily encounters to the biggest and most important aspects of our individual lives, we are all judged every single day of our lives. It is a harsh reality, but one we have come to accept even to the point of complacency. We manage to overlook the fact that every action we take is being scrutinized by those who witness, whether it's buying a pack of cigarettes or requesting a job application.
Well, almost all job applications are done electronically these days, but stay with me here.
Knowing this is a part of the reality of our lives, that every action we take is noticed either negatively or posively by someone, shouldn't we strive to make sure that our words and actions are taken positively? It seems so obvious that we should do this, and yet so many of us do not.
The big question in this is HOW. How do we conduct ourselves in a way that people will only see us and react to us in a positive way? How do we let our light so shine that none can see any darkness in us? Even Jesus Christ himself was held in contempt and ultimately crucified because he spoke and acted against the norms of the society in which he lived.
Is it even possible, therefore, that any of us could be adored by all whom we encounter? The simple answer would appear to be no. However, we are all made in the image of God, and the Bible calls on us to be gods- with a small 'g.' People of God are called to be like God, only in a lower case. See what I did there?
We cannot expect ourselves to be elevated to His level as Gods, but we are His stewards on this Earth. He creates, and He gives life, and He gives His gifts to those who have nothing. In that way, We are called to create, and We are called to give life, and We are called to give our gifts to those who have none.
In Paul's second letter to Timothy, the author tells Timothy that each of us is asked to act as 'a good soldier of Christ Jesus.' What does this mean? It means that God is asking each of us to enlist to His army. Why? Because His army stands on the front lines against the forces of evil. Sounds almost like something out of Star Wars or something, doesn't it?
But let's stick with the apostle Paul for a little bit anyway. In Ephesians 6, verses 10-12, Paul writes: 'Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.'
Bible scholar Derek Prince provides his own interpretation of verse twelve, based on the original Greek, in his book titled Spiritual Warfare: 'For our wrestling match is not against flesh and blood, not against persons with bodies, but against rulers with various areas and descending orders of authority, against the world dominators of this present darkness, against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies.'"
Josh Konnely holds up one of the two books he carried in. It is a thin paperback titled Spiritual Warfare.
"I actually picked this book up as I wandered through Walgreens looking for something to read just to pass some extra time without being bored out of my mind. So what is the author trying to say here? In short, he is saying that evil entities in this world that attempt to corrupt us and turn us from our faith. The strong Christian must grab the sword of the Father, and the shield of the Son, and wage war daily with those dark forces.
Our author, Derek Prince, then returns to the letters of Paul, this time to the Collossians, chapter 1: verses 12-14, where Paul writes: 'Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.'
Prince comments on this passage by saying that the use of 'dominion' is a translation of the Greek word exusia, which means 'authority.' The 'dominion of darkness' refers to an existing authority that the wicked have in all of our lives. This is an authority which is present regardless of individual faith, and one that we ae called upon to resist if we wish not to succumb to the darkness.
Strike Towers is a place where the darkness is often called to the forefront. Wicked people and their wicked ways are lauded as heroes, while soldiers of Christ such as myself and the rest of Revelation are vilified as a plague or poison. We are not the disease, SFT. Revelation is the cure for the disease of the wicked people who dwell within.
Wicked people such as No Cash Value. The full faction consists of Shane Clemmens, Aidan Morag, Johnny Legend, and Gary Mac. Maybe there are more, but I could really care less. As far as I am concerned, they are not No Cash Value, but rather they should be called No Moral Value.
These four men deify themselves, they live in pride and vanity. They make themselves out to be Gods- with the capital 'G'- and condemn anyone who refuses to laud them as such. Because we do not revere them as deities, No Moral Value runs around here with their panties all in a bunch.
Isn't it sad, No Moral Value, that you are not worshipped by others nearly as much as you worship yourselves and each other? On the other hand, it would be HUMANLY IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to worship you as much as you do yourselves. I mean, when you guys look in the mirror you aren't able to see your hair and your chins at the same time. Sorry, do I need to dumb that down for you? Your heads are so big that the mirror can only reflect your hair or your chin, never both together. Hell, you need a full body mirror just to fit your heads.
But once again I have the cure for the wicked disease of No Moral Value. The antidote for what ails them, for their massive egos, is a little old school EGOCIDE courtesy of The Butcher of Bridgeport. I'll deflate their egos and bring them back down to earth. and it will be a painful fall for the self-made deities.
I have been throwing the scripture at you fast and hard here today, and I have one last piece of verse for you. I know, you're all breathing a sigh of relief.
These last two verses for today are from the Old Testament Book of Hebrews 12:28-29 which says... and I quote: 'Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.'"
Josh Konnely holds up the second book, which is the New International Version of the Holy Bible.
"No Moral Value, this Tuesday on Titans you will feel what it is like to be caught in the Consuming Fire of THE one and only God. Your wickedness will be cut down by a mighty army of the Lord, led by yours truly, Josh Konnely. No Moral Value will die in fire, and the righteous world will rejoice in your demise. So it has been spoken, so it shall come to pass.
Welcome to your eternal resting place, No Moral Value. You are all alike, and once Morag and Legend have been put to rest, No Moral Value will be broken under the foot of Revelation. In the Book of Ezekiel it was said by the man called the prophet of doom that the idolators would be slaughtered by an army of the Lord. That army is the army of Revelation, and No Moral Value are such idolators. They are the guilty, and the guilty shall be slaughtered."
Josh Konnely removes the scarf and hangs it over the rotted wood of the pulpit. He crosses over to the generator and turns it off with his foot, cutting off the lights and plunging the derelict building into darkness. The scene fades to RED.