"Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." -- Matthew 26:52 Josh Konnely stands at the base of the momument inside the park. A small group of men and women has gathered around the former SFT Champion, drawn by his presence and that of the Strike Towers' camera crew.
"Strike Towers, welcome to Quezon City in the Philippines. Tuesday Night Titans is just about twenty-four hours away, emanating from the beautiful Pacific Islands. Also originating from the Pacific Islands is the type of match I will compete on this week on Titans: the Taipei Deathmatch. The capital of the Republic of China- best known as Taiwan- Taipei City lends its name to this Deathmatch. Now, I wasn't entirely sure what a Taipei Deathmatch was, so I took the liberty of looking it up. The most common deathmatch, typically known as a Texas Deathmatch, is supposed to be won by a ten count only after one competitor or both has earned a pinfall or submission. So what about this Taipei variety of deathmatch? The Taipei Deathmatch is a match in which the wrestlers' fists are taped and dipped into glue and in broken and crushed glass, allowing shards to stick to their fists. This match is designed to mame and destroy. It is designed to make not one but both competitors spill their blood and shatter their soul. This is the Hell that awaits those of us who CHOSE to enter the King Of The Deathmatch tournament. Eight of us will endure this brutal match. Eight of us almost surely will bleed as we attempt not only to advance, but to survive. We chose this fate for ourselves, and we no doubt knew that our blood would spill in this tournament. Only four broken men will move onward into the semifinals, where more pain and punishment await. We chose to live by the sword, and four of us will die by the sword tomorrow night on Titans. Eventually all but one of these elite eight will be left standing; the rest will but cut down by the proverbial sword. Johnny Fierce, you and I chose to enter this war, knowing full well what our fate would be. This is only the first battle in the war, and it might very well be the bloodiest. The battle between you and I will be fierce, Johnny. Pardon the pun. Are you ready for a war? Only one of us will win this battle. Only one of us will walk away from this battle. Only one will SURVIVE this battle. Johnny, you lost your World Heavyweight Championship inside the Elimination Chamber at No Escape. Tomorrow there will again be No Escape for you. The battlefield will be stained red with our blood, and I will ride away in victory. Fierce, you are the personification of a man living by the sword. At Titans here in Quezon City, you will die by the sword. This metaphor spoken by Jesus Christ himself has perhaps never shown itself to be more literally accurate than in this King Of The Deathmatch tournament. Eight warriors ride into battle with sword in hand, and seven will perish by the sword before a winner is crowned. Truly I say to you, Johnny Fierce, I will not falter. I will not fall. I will not perish by your sword, or by any other." Josh raises one arm overhead, then holds out both arms at his side in a crucifix style pose. "Faith. My faith is what sets me apart from the seven men who stand with me on the eve of war. If my God is for me, who may be against me? I walk by faith. I walk into the war with the knowledge that my salvation has been bought with the blood of the Lamb. So who can triumph over me when the Almighty has already delivered my enemies into my hand? I am the sword, and I will cut down my mortal foes. Under Taipei Deathmatch rules, I will quite literally CUT down Johnny Fierce in round one. Trust. Trust and believe that this Horseman will wage War, and I will be victorious. I will gladly shed the blood of those wicked men who stand in my way. Osama Bin Laden learned the hard way that those who live by War will die by War. What more perfect illustration could there be? He preached War. He lived for War. In the end, War kicked in his door and put two rounds right in his head. Here in Strike Towers, I am War. Here in Strike Towers, I am the sword which spills the blood of the wicked and unrepentant. There is no cutting me down, because I am the one who sends them all to their judgment day. Johnny Fierce, I almost feel sorry for you. You are one of a few men whom I respect. You name yourself Fierce, and you carry that title with pride. Rather than hide behind the mask of false purity and righteousness like so many, you wear your natural animal bloodlust on your sleeve. The name Fierce reveals the true nature of mankind, and you do not hide it away. You carry it right out in the open, clear and proud. I like a man who is honest with himself, and by calling yourself Johnny Fierce, you exemplify such honesty. You make no bones about what you are: you are Fierce. Respect or not, King Of The Deathmatch is a matter of survival and of triumph. To the victor go the spoils of war. To the defeated go the pain and agony; to them goes the Hell of War. I refuse to be one of the fatalities of this war. I will claim the spoils of King Of The Deathmatch, and I will go forth and once again become SFT World Heavyweight Champion. This is the only acceptable outcome. This is the only possible outcome. The other seven of you will fall and, unlike the fallen buried in the Gettysburg National Cemetery, you WILL die in vain. Why? Because there is no reward in your failure; only the flames of Hell. Rest well, warriors. You stand on the eve of war, and for half of you it will be your final resting place." Josh Konnely steps forward and into the small crowd gathered. Josh places his arm around a young Filipina's shoulders. She smiles at him, and they walk off together. Fade to RED. |