26 October 2009 - 0900

Josh Konnely returns to the arena at approximately nine after nine Monday morning. He is carrying a Monster ASSAULT energy drink, from which he takes a sip as he opens the door and steps inside. He is immediately approached by Chimpo the Chimp, who is carrying a microphone.

"Josh Konnely, earlier today the world saw you strike SFT staff member Lars Adams. What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that I was being disrespected, and I'm not a person who tolerates being disrespected. I don't care if you're a Prime Minister or a President or even a 'High King.'

Strike Towers thinks they need Annika Reizeger as their champion? What Strike Towers needs is a champion that the people can be proud of... a champion with honor and integrity. The Red Devil Woman is not and can never be that person. She served in the Red Army, where she slaughtered subordinates for the crime of simply showing weakness. Is that the sort of person Strike Towers considers to be a role model?

Lars whats-his-face likes to call it the SFT 'Multiverse,' whatever the Hell that means. What the SFT 'Multiverse' needs is a World Champion that could be an IDOL for millions. A person of morality and truth and righteousness. Annika, through no fault of her own, is unable to possess those important traits. It's all in her upbringing. She was raised and taught and trained to be a machine by a Soviet regime that worshiped POWER above all else. As a nation they sought to build an image of superiority, and they killed anyone who might detract from that image.

The Cold War was aptly named cold because the nation's of the United States and the USSR- both were equally guilty- now valued power above human life. Whole nations were bred and raised to hate one another because each country wanted to be seen as the ultimate global superpower.

The desire and thirst for power, and the worship thereof, is not the way to goodness. It is a primrose path to Hell. Lucifer himself was cast down from the Kingdom of Heaven because he wanted to hold ultimate power, the power which belonged to God alone. From that battle for power was the 'religion' of Satanism... a religion of power. Whether we realize it or not, the pursuit of power on Earth is the pursuit of evil.

I do not begrudge Annika. The United States was just as guilty of this sin as was the Soviet Union. The two nations abandoned human life and humanity in a mutual obsession with superiority... with total and undisputed power.

Joining me in challenging our champion of immorality are Twilight and Lucretia Black. Their track records of indecency and evil speak for themselves. Twilight, the enigmatic sinner-saint that paints himself as some sort of Savior for SFT, as the heart and soul of this company. Lucretia Black, the demon-seed of Shadow and the unholy bride of Nirvana.

My three opponents are a veritable who's-who of degenerates and sinners. Yet instead of shame, these three carry their sin like it's some sort of prize. They act as though they should be praised for their actions. Each of them believes they should be held up on a pedestal, when in truth they are all worthy of being looked down upon.

Lucretia Black says she sympathizes with me, that I have no friends in SFT and have ruled in a land of ruin. While these may be facts, I do not have any desire to make friends with fools and sinners like those who roam these locker rooms. This company has long been a haven of immorality. I have come not to befriend these people, but to punish and cleanse them.

Suffering is the only path to purification of souls. I come to provide that suffering, to give these dirty animals- no offense meant- the gift of purity.

Tonight there will be no sympathy. There will be no mercy. The four of us will fight to capture a little bit of Heaven as World Heavyweight Champion. One will rise to Heaven, and three will be cast into Hell. Only I am worthy of reaching Heaven.

Tonight I ascend to the Kingdom where I belong."

Josh Konnely steps around Chimpo and walks away before the chimp can say anymore. Fade to darkness.

The dirty deed is done
There is nothing more to do
All will die and bow to me

-The Dark Bard