1010 hours Josh Konnely sits in a darkened locker room, where he goes to the ground and pounds out 20 push-ups before hopping to his feet and sitting back down again. Konnely rotates his neck to stretch it out, and he takes a deep breath. "Tonight I meet my counterpart in the ring. Since debuting in SFT, I have attempted to guide people in the direction of light and love. I try to show people that they need to embrace God and embrace their fellow man. I seek to punish and destroy the wicked. Redd, on the other hand, has always attempted to sway people towards darkness and hate. He tries to make people turn their backs on God and on their fellow man. Redd seeks to persecute and destroy the righteous. I am driven by bitter rage. Redd is driven by bitter hate. Redd used to dwell beneath the shadow of Legion, eating his message of loathing. I used to hide behind Kyle Murphy and feed him one-liners when I was still in high school. The differences are almost finite, in that they are like polar similarities. So far apart that they almost come back around to touch each other. Like the far right of fascism versus the far left of socialism. Or however the Hell that whole thing works out. Point is that when you get to far to either side, it all begins to take the form of a tyrannical dictatorship instead of a well-intentioned government. The power gets abused, and the system manipulated so that the person or people in charge can get their way. Redd and I are similar to these political factions. We share common means to very different ends, and common ends to very different means. Redd, tonight we meet here at the Allstate Arena. Tonight the two poles come together. Can the ring and even the arena hold the conflict of the two ends? We will find out in about ten hours or so. Allstate's insurance marketing campaign has long promised that 'you're in good hands with Allstate.' Tonight at the Allstate Arena, Redd will be in my hands. For him, they will not be good hands, though they carry good intent. My hands will choke him out and force his hands to TAP, TAP, TAP. Allstate does deal in life insurance in some parts of the country. Perhaps Redd should invest in a policy while there is still time." Fade to darkness.
You've been caught in a lie
So let the war begin, you're far from innocent
Another fallacy is laid in front of me
I know now and it's all been a lie
It's all been a lie
A mortal enemy has been revealed in me
An evil entity had taken hold of me
I know now and it's all been a lie
It's all been a lie
This idiot won't let me go
You don't want to let me go
Little puppet, don't die
It's all been a lie
It's all been a lie
It's all been a lie
It's all been a lie