Has cast a shadow on the world Our devotion to our appetite Betrayed us all
An apocalyptic plight
It's just another way to die
There can be no other reason why
Glaciers melt as we pollute the sky
The time bomb is ticking
Still, we ravage the world that we love
It's just another way to die
Greed and hunger led to our demise
Species fall before our very eyes
The time bomb is ticking
Still, we ravage the world we love
It's just another way to die
Still, we ravage the world that we love
It's just another way to die It is after midnight in Dublin, Ireland. Josh Konnely marches down O'Connell Street outside of the GPO. There is a thick fog, and a soft misting rain. Konnely walks alone, dressed in a red sweatsuit and black combat boots. On his head he wears a green beanie cap, the only deviation in colour from his otherwise red outfit. Josh raises the hood of his sweatshirt, hiding that colour deviation. With a loud groan Konnely sits down on the steps of the GPO. He hides his face in his hands as he thinks silently. "What is the point of it all? This world is so corrupted with its Pride, and Greed, and Vanity. Gluttony, Sloth, and Lust also consume us. When other people stand in the way of us getting what we desire, we give way to Wrath and anger. These diseases... these DEMONS... they plague us all. It is the nature of our human weakness. We all want more for ourselves, and less for everybody else. We want good things for ourselves, and to Hell with everybody else. Salvation was offered to us- HANDED to us- thousands of years ago, and still we fall short of its grace. Why is it that people let go of their faith in God so easily when people are so more likely to let you fall and destroy you for their own gain?" Josh speaks at last, moving his hands over just his eyes so that he can be heard. "My faith in my Lord is absolute. My faith in MAN was shattered long ago. I have tried to grow and build it back, but every time I get close they remind me why I cannot believe in them. Whenever I give my trust and love to someone, they wait until I turn my back and they drive the knife right in. In my life, I have lost everything and everyone I have ever loved, in some way shape or form. My father died when I was eleven years old. Those of you who were here in the Towers may recall that. At age thirteen, my remaining immediate family left the only home I had ever known for the big city of Bridgeport, Connecticut. The cesspool of the northeast United States. A steaming, festering wasteland. But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. Due to the move, I also lost the first person outside my family for whom I ever felt love. Though I had friends, there was no one I cared more for than her. Emily... dear beautiful Emily. Although we were only classmates, I adored her. But she would never know how I felt. She was back home, a hundred miles away, and I was living way out in the earthly Hell that was and remains Bridgeport. She went on to graduate the Ivy League Cornell University. Meanwhile, I had to sell myself to the National Guard of the United States Army to escape what amounted to homelessness. If I had remained at home there in upstate New York and gone to high school with her, would things have been different? I can never know. But now I see that she's just too good for me." Konnely falls silent again. He sighs, and it sounds as though he may be sobbing softly. His unspoken thoughts become audible again. "How can my mother choose such degenerate filth over me? Almost fifty years old and still lives like a teenager. He got thrown in jail, and I gave more than a hundred dollars of my own money towards his bail. Not for him, but for my mother. How dare they kick me aside now? Useless trash. Five hundred pounds of dead weight. They need me more than I need them, can't they see it? No, of course not. He is so full of self-loathing and so devoid of self-respect. All he has ever done is transfer the hatred and aggression onto everyone around him. That's why his sisters cannot stand him. He did it to them. He did it to his late mother, God rest her. He does it to my mother and sister, and he does it to me. He clings to the delusion that his problems are on everyone else so that he can maintain the illusion in his head that he is perfect. Says he can't stand me? The truth is he can't stand HIMSELF. He's just too inept and stubborn to see it. No. Not quite. It's not just him. It's the entire world. People turn to vices such as drugs and alcohol to ease their pain. It doesn't work. It's a lie that mankind has painted and willed into reality. Johnnie, Jack, and Jose are not the cure all that people have made them. They are not good friends. Know who does take away all your pain if you place your faith in them? The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. So why does man turn elsewhere? Because the bottle is more profitable than the deity, and requires less humility. Greed. Pride. Vanity. Gluttony. To Hell with the world. Why do we continue to live? We are a cancer on this planet. People talk about saving the planet? What a joke. The planet is an all but indestructible body, and we are merely a disease. To the planet we are like water on a dog's back. Eventually, inevitably, the human race will go extinct like all the other species to have come along over the ages. Once we do, the planet will shake us off its powerful back like the insignificant pests that we are. The planet could just as easily destroy us all in a matter of two to four business days. With all the weapons at its disposal, it would be as easy as a snap of your fingers." Josh snaps his fingers to illustrate the thought. He stands and places his hands on his hips. He speaks again. "When Strike Towers Wrestling debuts in London, England I face a triple threat against Emerson Embry and Jack Jones. The Alliteration Association. The Boring Brigade. So once again I find myself dwelling with degenerates. Once again I am faced with filth. Once again I find myself trifling with trash. How pathetic. I'm sick of living with the lowlifes. Well, it's no matter. Just as easily as the planet Earth could destroy the human race, I can destroy Embry and Jones. Just with a snap of my fingers. After all, I am War. I am the Park City Punisher, the Butcher of Bridgeport. How's that for alliteration, boys? My name is Josh Konnely, and I refuse to be held down by anyone or anything. I am far too good for that. I have become cold and calculating. I have become the cobra. I strike quickly and suddenly and without remorse. Humanity deserves to suffer because humanity has CHOSEN to suffer. I did not make it such. I only bring what the world has decided on. Emerson thinks he is like Lancelot. Jack thinks he is like a hillbilly bar. I KNOW that I am like War, and I am like a cobra. Emerson, the problem with being Lancelot in the twenty-first century is that you are just bringing a knife to a gun fight. Jack, the hillbilly bar speaks for itself. A hillbilly bar is the cesspool where America's biggest pieces of crap gather to take a bottle and drown their sorrows. They are brainless, prideful, and gluttonous. They will never amount to a damn thing. It is time for a Revelation. It is time for the Apocalypse to reign down from Heaven. Armageddon will begin with America, and we have only ourselves to blame. We have polluted the world with our corruption and greed. We have spread the disease, soon it will kill us all. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say. The time has arrived when the ultimate power begins blowing out the fires of greed, hatred, and delusion. It will be realized when mankind falls at the feet of the Four and the planet is finally cleansed of our infinite sin." The scene fades to RED. |