Blade of Exile

The scene opens in the backstage area prior to Strike Towers Wrestling. Outside the building, fans are already lined up at the doors in anticipation of the night's event. The show does not go live for two more hours yet, with doors opening in one hour. Two-time SFT World Heavyweight Champion Josh Konnely is spotted walking through the halls of the locker room area. He is wearing a black Pittsburgh Steelers jersey along with his regular ring attire. The jersey is customized with the number 1 and the name KONNELY on the back. In his right hand he is holding a can of Monster Khaos energy drink. Josh takes a sip of the drink and sighs.

Konnely begins to walk through the back, seemingly without a particular destination in mind. A coy smile flashes briefly as he discovers one of the Strike Towers' makeup designers working on a woman, whom we only see from the rear. Josh stands behind the woman in the makeup chair and takes another swig of his energy drink.

"Can I help you with something?" the makeup designer asks.

"No thanks, little miss makeup artist. It was your canvas that I was interested in, if you are finished here." Konnely replies.

"As luck would have it, we were in fact done."

"Well then, may I observe your masterpiece in peace?" Josh questions, lifting his eyebrows pointedly.

The makeup artist holds up her hands with a look of disgust on her face. She walks away, leaving Josh alone with the woman in the chair. The "canvas" Josh spoke of now stands from her seat and turns face to face with Josh. The woman is revealed to be none other than Lacey Johnson, girlfriend of Kris Chambers and ally of Dameon in Exile. Her teeth are gritted in a look of anger and contempt.

"Who the Hell do you think you are? You have no business here with me, and I am not some painting or sculpture on display for you to drool over." Lacey barks.

"Whoa, easy! Down, girl! It's not like that. Besides, this is a free hallway. I have just as much right to walk through it as anyone else in the locker room. I just wanted to talk to you." Konnely explains.

"Who says I want to talk to you?"

"That's fine, don't talk. But at least listen to what I have to say."

Josh pauses to sip his Khaos again. Lacey relaxes a little, crossing her arms. She raises her eyebrows impatiently.

"I just wanted to tell you to your face that I think a beautiful young lady like you could do so much better than Kris Chambers." Josh says with a smile.

Lacey sucks her teeth and starts to turn away. Josh holds up his free hand, gesturing for her to stop.

"Hear me out, Lacey."

Lacey rolls her eyes, but she stops. She places her hands on her hips as she waits for Josh to continue.

"Just think about it. Kris Chambers is nothing more than a servant of The Beast. He's an underling. A minion. Your boyfriend has dedicated himself to Dameon. He has chosen to live in Exile.

Lacey, as I am sure you know, what Exile means is to be banished from one's native land or home. Exile means that a person is shunned from society. Lacey, you have been sold into Exile by association. Kris has forced you into Exile. He has made you an outcast, barred from the rest of the world.

Is that really the kind of life you want? Is that the kind of boyfriend you want? The guy that merely by your association has sent you into Exile? Think about that. I think you deserve better than that."

"And since when were you the spokesperson for this 'society' of which you speak? Aren't you the one usually preaching against the 'sins' and 'shortcomings' of the 'weak' society?"

"Well, I suppose you have me there. Society has a way of spreading weakness, corruption, and moral disease. But your boyfriend and his little group of Exiles chooses depravity and immorality. Why would you wish to associate yourself with that? Is that really who you are? Are you an Exile, or has Kris Chambers made you such?"

"Listen, I make my own choices. I don't need any hero."

"Really? Are you sure? I can save you. If you will let me, I will save you. I will save you from your Exile, if you will reach out and take my hand."

Lacey says nothing, but exhales angrily.

"It's okay. The choice is yours. You know where to find me if you would like to leave the Exile imposed on you by your ne'er-do-well boyfriend. If you will let me, I would like to take you out.

And you know what else? My real last name is Johnson, so if things worked out you wouldn't even have to change your name."

Lacey has heard enough, and she slaps Josh across the face. Just at that moment, Brandon Davis and Damien Vega step up behind Josh.

"Is there a problem here, Lacey?" Davis asks.

"None at all. I was just leaving. Lacey, should you happen to change your mind, you know where to find me." Konnely answers, rubbing his cheek.

Josh walks away, still holding his jaw. The scene fades out.

The scene reopens outside the arena. Josh Konnely walks out of the arena, and the Cincinnati fans waiting to get inside immediately boo him for the Steelers jersey.

"That's right, it's that guy you love to hate, and your next Hardcore Champion."

The people boo again.

"Yes, that's it. Let me hear your hate. Let me hear how much you hate me. The reason you people and the people all over the world hate me is because I present to them everything they fear. I expose their moral inferiority. I expose those who have damned themselves with their indecency. I punish those who deserve to be punished, and that makes you all sick.

Tonight I will punish Dameon and Switchblade, and in so doing I will leave here tonight the new Hardcore Champion. Here in Sin-sin-nati, I will bring the judgment on the sinful.

How will I conquer these two former World Champions? It is quite simple. Switchblade leads the Blades Of War. Dameon leads the Exile. I represent no one, and I lead only those intelligent enough to follow.

Tonight I will use their allegiances against them. Exile against B.O.W, I will let their hatred, pride, and selfishness be their downfall. All I have to do is stand back and let the two faction leaders tear each other apart. Once their war destroys them, I can step in and pick the bones.

Listen to my words, for they are the gospel truth. Tonight the Blade of Exile will cut off the heads of B.O.W and Exile, and The Butcher of Bridgeport will reap the rewards."

Josh Konnely turns and walks back into the arena. Fade to WHITE.