Kyle Murphy: Hello, tired old cliché. And speaking of tired old clichés, take a look at who I'm up against this week. Nirvana and his newest weapon of mass delusion, Dawn Lenore Artemisk. Josh Konnely is not usually right about very much, but he sure was right about the two of you. (Kyle glances up to the only sky box with lights on, where the silhouette of Josh Konnely can be seen in the window.) Kyle Murphy: How you doing up there, Josh? Kyle Murphy: So here we are, having a little reluctant reunion of Revelation. One set of former tag team champions taking on another, is that it? NirvDawna against War & Famine. Like it or not, Josh and I seem to have found a common enemy in the Axis. And so like the United States and Soviet Union, we inevitably find ourselves Allied against them. With eight World Champions and eight United States between us, this is simply the most talented and dangerous union in Strike Towers history. Kyle Murphy: It is a marriage of convenience of sorts now. Or perhaps Josh Konnely would prefer to call it a marriage of “Konvenience.” So now here we are back together again. Our opponents are Nirvana and Artemisk. Josh has already pretty much covered all the bases on their seemingly unlikely allegiance. Kyle Murphy: So what am I left with? Well I guess I am left to water the seed of dissension which he has planted. Just looking back at Nirvana's past, it is perfectly clear that manipulation through false enlightenment and deception is his game. The Crimson Knight, the fallen king, he is just another Charles Manson or David Karesh. Kyle Murphy: Dawn, you need to open your eyes to what is really going on. Nirvana is not your friend or your savior, he is your master. He is using you for his own selfish purposes. That is his entire game, it has been the common thread of his entire career. Whether it was opium abuse and baby eating with Lucretia, or whatever that crap was with you and this Pastor, he twists people's minds and hearts to do his bidding. Kyle Murphy: Consider us your saviors, Miss Artemisk. Your imaginary friend who “went away” was not imaginary and he is only gone from the Towers and half its roster's memory. You have been invited to Embrace Nirvana, but I have a new proposition for you: Reject Nirvana. You don't need him. You're not sick or deluded, simply mislead. The Spider King has cast his silvery web into your mind and is using you for his own sick little game. The Axis of Ultra Violence is nothing more than a group of pawns being controlled by The Crimson Chessmaster. Kyle Murphy: As for you, Nirvana, all I have to say is GAME OVER. As in, your game is over. The reality of Nirvana has been called to light, and all that is left is a broken down pathetic old man. Josh Konnely and Kyle Murphy are going to end the Axis. Kyle Murphy: You say you want to live longer than me so that you can piss on my grave, eh Nirvana? Well even if that reality should come to pass, you're going to have to stand at the end of a very long line, behind people like The ICON, Dave Van Dam, Mad Dogg, Havoc, Johnny Legend and even my old friend Big T. Josh Konnely will probably be at the front of that line. The fact of the matter is that I might be a well-respected Hall of Famer, but I am easily the most hated man in Strike Towers now or ever. I suppose that is bound to happen when you proclaim yourself The Superior One and The High King of SFT, and you've got six World Championships and six United States Championships to back the claim. I am the best in the world, and you're going to make a lot of enemies when you step on as many people as I have. Kyle Murphy: Here's the kicker: I really don't give a damn about the size of that imaginary line or who is on it. Hell, my grave will probably have a longer line than the men's room at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford. So you might want to do your pissing over there. I've heard rumors that Jimmy Hoffa is buried somewhere around there. But he wouldn't be the first piece of trash buried in New Jersey, that's for sure. Kyle Murphy: Oh, I'm sure I'll get some hate letters for that one. To be honest, I've got nothing against Hoffa, I just said it to be controversial. Kyle Murphy: Anyway, my time is up. And Nirvana, tonight YOUR time is up. There is no enlightenment, there is no Nirvana. You are merely a deceiver leading people into darkness. Josh Konnely and I will not stand idly by and watch this tired old game of yours continue. This game will end, even if it has to come down to sudden death. (Fade to gold.) |