Date: 30 May 2011
Location: Bangkok, Thailand

("Warrior" by Disturbed plays inside a packed gymnasium where Strike Towers is holding a fan access promotional event before tomorrow's pay-per-view. The Thai fans boo as Josh Konnely enters the gym with a microphone in his hand. Konnely is wearing a clear plastic protective mask. Josh rushes to the ring set up at the center of the room and slides inside. The music cuts off as Konnely raises the microphone and the fans continue to boo him. Josh raises his free hand and rubs his fingertips on the protective mask near his left eye.)

Josh Konnely: Please. Please do not boo me until you have heard what I have come to say.

(The fans boo some more, none too concerned with Josh's pleas.)

Josh Konnely: SHUT UP!

(The boos grow even louder. Konnely hangs his head and scratches his head.)

Josh Konnely: I am sorry, that wasn't right. I shouldn't lash out in anger like that. I just want you people... I want the whole world... to hear what I have to say tonight.

(The crowd quiets down as Josh's voice and tone soften.)

Josh Konnely: I have come here tonight to say two very small but very powerful words. I have come to say... I'M SORRY.

(There are some cheers from the crowd at this statement.)

Josh Konnely: That's right. I am sorry to the fans of SFT, whom I have condescended and run down for years now. I am sorry to the SFT wrestlers whom I have brutally mistreated in the ring and out. I am sorry to the entire world, whom I bitterly vilified and condemned to mask the pain in my heart. I falsely blamed you all- all people- because I had suffered. I lived for wrath and vengeance.

Josh Konnely: After the death of a girl I had such a crush on in high school, and after the powerful message I received at her funeral, I realize that I can no longer be that person.

Josh Konnely: I do not wish to live in resentment and anger anymore. Luz was a friend to everyone she met, a light unto this world. I don't want to live in darkness anymore. I want to dwell in the light. I want to let go of the pain I've held so long. I want to share MY light with the world, and be the best person that I can be.

Josh Konnely: Tonight there is no Josh Konnely, only Kyle Johnson. I will carry the light that she gave Kyle nearly a decade ago. I will no longer mask my pain, my true face, behind wrath and hate and aggression.

Josh Konnely: Tomorrow night War & Famine will defend the Tag Team Championships against Sean Lane in a handicap match, and I look forward to the competition. Sean, like Murphy and I, is a former World Champion. Lane, you will not be facing the Butcher or the Crippler or the Punisher. I will no longer be that hate-filled, violence-mongering animal. Josh Konnely will be a fighter, a competitor, a sportsman, and a true CHAMPION.

Josh Konnely: I am sorry again for the man that I used to be. I will make it right. I will atone for my sins.

(Josh removes the plastic mask and drops it to the canvas. "Warrior" hits again, and the seen fades to WHITE.)